Monday, May 5, 2014

April was a very busy month!

We have a winner from our March comment contest! Olivia's mom guessed that Kit Kat bars were my favorite candy and she was right! That information could be found under my All About the Teacher page at the top of this website! Congratulations to her mommy! I will send home a small treat!
This April we were very busy with curriculum that left little time for picture taking. Please enjoy these images from the day before Spring Break as we dyed eggs with Ms. Connie, the cafeteria manager! The children were very excited to make predictions on egg color, and to carry out the experiement!

May will bring a lot of end of year testing and even more end of year FUN! Please comment on this post with your child's favorite specials class and I will put all comments in a hat and choose a winner for this April post!